Monday 6 July 2015

Microsoft SSMS : Property Owner is not available for database - Issue & Fix

Microsoft SSMS : Property Owner is not available for database - Issue & Fix:


On your daily routine checks , you may encounter the following error while expanding database properties(+):

Ahhhh ! whats this - how is this possible , it was alright yesterday and now what ?

Don't be surprised with this error since this is very common when you have a invalid user\login assigned as db_owner for the database.

Well we can check the db_owner details like as below:
sp_helpdb <yourdbname>

You may see NULL or ~~UNKNOWN~~ , then fix the error by assigning to a valid login.

USE <yourDBName>


exec sp_changedbowner 'sa' -- In my case, it can be any valid login


Once the commands are executed successfully, verify the db_owner details by executing the following command-
sp_helpdb <yourdbname>

Now you can expand your database properties and continue with your activities...

Good luck...

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